Me, the bitch and two likely lads of Mr Reliable Removals
home sweet home
A slightly stressy day
Mr Reliable were an hour late (due to traffic)
and it rained all day.
Loaded and off by 1.45pm we then got a phone call in the car at 4.00pm to say the funds had not been transferred by the solicitors bank.
Loyds TSB that had nationwide problems.
We could not get a regular signal on the mobile in the car.
At 4.45pm we were granted a licence to move in with permission
of the property owner.
We arrive at 5pm we arrive and so do the agents with Keys, thank fuck.
No Removal Trucks in sight.
The luton van with the bitch on board arrives at 5.30pm
fortunately the guys had picked up another mate on route to help unload.
At 6.00 pm th big truck arrives and we are all unloaded by 8.30pm.
Still pissing down with rain.
Then at 9.00 pm Mrs Arcadian and I walked down to the local pub and had
a few drinks.