and fuck all those chunky bobbers
And a new pristine white background for the summer dudes.
On friday I went to fenland, taking my old 'glide style' bars so Joe could have his back.
They were only so we could move the bike, but man they looked so right - so fuck the Z BARS
AND then I sat on my bike.
Not only does it look right but she sits right, even with the stretch.
A lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng bike.
Fuck it I'm going to stick a jockey shift on.
and I'm having a fork brace made out of twisted bar to match the sissy.
Funny how priorities change and some how you can find the extra wedge.
I've gone from a no money to spend 'weld on hard tail' on my old frame to a full on chop.
Still life's getting on the shorter side and you've got to get your priorities right.